The Trusted Source for Telemedicine Stethoscopes
Whether in a hospital to better utilize scarce specialist resources, providing care to remote clinics, conducting virtual house calls, or when conducting clinical research; clean, clear, high quality, real-time auscultation is a "must have" diagnostic tool. Our digital stethoscopes will make this possible.
The Trusted Source for
Telemedicine Stethoscopes
Whether in a hospital to better utilize scarce specialist resources, providing care to remote clinics, conducting virtual house calls, or when conducting clinical research; clean, clear, high quality, real-time auscultation is a "must have" diagnostic tool. Our digital stethoscopes will make this possible.

Electronic Stethoscopes
The PCP line of telemedicine stethoscopes includes the PCP-USB and PCP-1 (mic port) stethoscopes. Both are FDA cleared Class II Medical Devices and both provide the same excellent sound quality.
These stethoscopes are user friendly and simple to use even for untrained personnel. There are no buttons, modes, or batteries on the device to worry about.

Stethoscope Software
We offer both standalone(one time license fee) software, and subscription based stethoscope software.
These software options simplify the remote auscultation process, and have audio enhancement features to improve auscultation quality.

The most important accessory for remote stethoscope use is a good quality headset. Computer speakers generally do not have the dynamic frequency range necessary to clearly play back all sounds picked up by the stethoscope. This is particularly true of very low frequency heart sounds. We recommend a headset for the physician and an extra one for the nurse, tech or presenter at the patient site.
Include Our Stethoscope in Your Program
My organization uses the USB Stethoscope and I have been very impressed with the clarity and quality of sound compared to others I have tried previously.
Luis A. Campos, MD, FACC - Cardiologist - Houston, TX
As an experienced Telemedicine provider, adding the USB stethoscope truly enhanced the value of my patient encounters. Blue tooth stethoscopes just couldn’t match the quality of the sound reproduction.
David Abrams, MD - IM - Los Angeles, CA
I have been using the PCP Stethoscope from my office in Houston to treat patients monthly in a remote barrio in Lima, Peru. The sound quality is excellent and I’m very pleased with the performance of the Stethoscope.
Ray Verm, MD - Gastroenterologist - Asheville, NC